Welcome to sex in the virtual world
Meet Enchantrix Tori. She is the Mistress behind the creation of Enchantrix Empire in the virtual world. You’ll hear more from Ms Tori in future interviews but, for now, you find out why LDW Group phone sex is adding the 3D erotic adventures to your pleasure options.
Question from Ms Olivia the Experienced Mistress: “How long have you been in this virtual world?”
Ms Tori: “I’ve been here since 2005. I saw an advertisement on another site I was on. It was just a banner. It was talking about this virtual world that created by all of the users that are inside of the world. I thought that was unique and different so I signed up. The rest is history.”
Phone sex and the virtual world
Ms Olivia: Why did you think this would be a good fit for LDW and Enchantrix Empire? We’ve been known for phone sex excellence for nearly 15 years but this is our first entry into this area.
Ms Tori: “I thought this platform offered a really exciting and unique feature, a visual world feature, to what we already do. We allow clients to explore their fantasies with us on the phone, sexy texting and Skype. We’re very proud of what we do and I think adding the visual element is very powerful.
“Just imagine being able to walk around with your Mistress and then SEE yourself inworld kneeling at the feet of your Mistress. That can be very profound to many of our clients.
“That’s just the beginning of everything. There’s so much more you can do!”
If your curious about our virtual world, feel free to send an email to any of the Mistresses listed on the Mistress tab of this blog. In the meantime, stay sexy, be naughty!
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